Episode 24 - You are Brave Enough to Step Into Your Next Highest Self

Are you ready to embrace your soul's journey?

In this episode we will explore…

🕯 Courage in embracing a soul-aligned life, navigating fear and resistance, and consciously claiming your path to rebirth and growth.

🕯 Cultivating bravery through communal support, emphasizing the importance of sisterhood and shared vulnerability in the journey of transformation.

🕯 Reclaiming the sacredness of the rebirth process, acknowledging the necessity of facing challenges to unlock your true feminine magic and spiritual potential.

Ready to reclaim REBIRTH as your most magical rite of passage?

Join the FREE, Live 3-day event to begin your INITIATION


Show Notes:

Hey sister, welcome to episode 24 of Rooted Feminine. We are rounding out our series, or our deeper exploration of the concept of rebirth today on this episode. And I really got called and inspired to just talk about courage for a moment. When I was recording the last episode, I was saying, "We've got to do this. We've got to turn toward our rebirth. We've got to do it consciously," but that leaves a big piece of the puzzle out, which is some fear and resistance, which are legitimate, right? If there are, maybe you're on the cusp of one of those major rebirths that we talked about last episode, and you're just terrified.

Like I get it. Especially when we have lives that people depend on us. Maybe that's a partner. Maybe that's kids. Maybe that's family or employers or employees. You might have a team that works for you. And if there's people that depend on you, that can add a whole other level of resistance and a whole other level of fear about. We are making massive changes and doing them intentionally. I think we also have to have a conversation about privilege as well because some of us, myself included, have been in points in our lives where maybe we've had the privilege to just blow up our business or we've had the privilege to just, you know, move or do things that other people can only dream about or wish for.

And so I think that those are two things, fear, three, fear, resistance, and privilege that we need to also bring into the conversation. Now, if you are in a situation where you're unsafe, I would just urge you to, in the best and safest way possible, find a way out of that situation. If you're in a situation where you wish you could make massive changes, but you've got bills to pay, or you wish you could do this, but you've got this person depending on you or whatever, I think there's a way to still explore what a new identity for you would look like, what a new version, a rebirth would look like for you that maybe isn't the same as like moving across the country, dropping everything and moving, or quitting your job, or burning your business to the ground, right?

Some of us just don't have that opportunity or that option right now, but that doesn't mean that we can't still continue to grow. And we still can't continue to practice our spirituality and step into a more sacred life. I just want to make sure that we're addressing these in the conversation. Okay. I've shared how in the last episode, I've been having a rough fall, like a rough autumn, and I've been feeling the need to rebirth myself. And I'd be lying if I didn't say how nervous that makes me. We just had a huge transition in my family that involved living circumstances that involve financial circumstances that involved all kinds of things leaving behind our support system and our friends.

And now I'm thinking of making another one or feeling like I'm being called to something else. And I get it. There's a lot of spiritual gurus out there that are just like surrender, surrender to the universe and just trust. And I wish it was that easy. I would love if it was that easy, right? I would love it. I was just like, "Okay, universe. I don't have any I'm not going to pay attention to any of these other things. I'm just going to follow my heart or follow my gut or follow my womb wisdom." And I think in a perfect world, it would be like that. And maybe in a future world, maybe in the world that we're building collectively by walking the feminine path, maybe it will be like that.

But for many of us, myself included, it just isn't right now. And so how do we make everyday sacred? How do we make every life, every moment of our life as sacred as it can be? I think that we can cultivate our courage and cultivate our bravery. And that's really what we're going to talk about today, right? We can do hard things and we are brave enough. And your version of rebirth might not look like my version of rebirth might not look like someone else's version of rebirth, but we can still move into the next highest and best version of ourselves, okay? And I think that's important. The next highest and best doesn't mean the ultimate. Right, because there's no such thing. We're always going to be growing. We're always going to be rebirthing. We're always going to be cycling. So what's the next highest attainable possible rebirth for you, and how can we love ourselves through this process and love our souls and love our spirits through this process that is possible. And yes, it takes courage.

If you know you want support on this, our event initiation, which is a three-day ceremony completely free, it's taking place next week, November 7th, November 8th, and November 9th. I am right on the cusp of rebirth with you. And so if you are feeling called to this, if you're feeling called to consciously, bravely stepping into it, leaning into it, I would love for you to join me. You can find the link at rootedfeminine.com/initiation, right? So we have to go back in time a little bit or whatever to see the root causes of some of these things. And living under patriarchy means that we are operating from a place of pre-programming. Maybe back in the day, in those ancient times, when the goddess was revered, when the goddess was even present, right?

Maybe rebirth was not hard. Maybe you didn't need to be brave to rebirth. Maybe you just knew. Maybe you just went through it. Maybe you just cyclically were so aligned. And wouldn't that have been lovely? But we live in 2023. Hopefully in late-stage patriarchy, I'd like to believe that where these things are dismantling, where the work you are doing, where the energy that you are putting in just listening to this show means that you are collectively influencing this planet to make it a bit more feminine, to bring the goddess back just a little bit, right?

But right now we live from this place of conditioning where society for the past couple thousand years has made it feel like everything is linear and that life has one trajectory of success. And that we can't reinvent ourselves like we're boxed in. We chose this major in college. So that means this is what we're going to do for the rest of our lives, right?

We're going to go work at this one business so we can get a 20-year pension, right? Nothing works that way anymore, except the army, right? Nothing works that way anymore. This system that was built and that we've been conditioned to fails us time and time again. And this is why our spiritual selves, our soul selves, struggle. It's because we know, our souls know, that this isn't true. An ancestral memory, a cellular memory, a spiritual memory. The mysteries remind us that life is a cycle, right? The life cycle. Things die and things are reborn. This is what we're focusing on here on the show for the last several weeks. And we can take a conscious role in this process. We can become the co-creators of what we want out of life, out of business, out of relationships, and out of everything else. We can co-create that. Okay. We can step in, we can call in our masculine determination, and we can call in our feminine devotion. We can lean in and we can consciously engage in the cycle of rebirth, and we can co-create this life alongside the universe.

But simply knowing that in our bones doesn't make it easy to step out of our conditioning, right? That's terrifying. This is where the fear and the resistance come up, right? For me, I shared, if you were on the Sacred Living Summit, one of the things that I'm working on rewilding and examining in my own life is my kids going to public school. But the idea of homeschooling, or the idea of finding an alternative school, and what if that one doesn't work, and da, it's scary, and it's a lot. Am I fucking my kid up? Am I making the right choice here? I don't know, right? But it's because I've been conditioned to believe that the public school system is the only way.

So that's my example, but each one of you has your own examples as well, right? It is normal and natural for fear and resistance to come up when we are on the precipice of rebirth, especially if we're conscious to it, especially if we know, right? It's a challenge to our safety, this false safety blanket. Our safety net that we have been conditioned to believe is there for us. But when we get out in the real world, we realize it really isn't. So it makes sense to be afraid. It makes sense to have resistance. That doesn't mean that the fear or the resistance are serving us. Okay. Now, I really, I want to emphasize again, there's a difference between physical, literal safety and emotional safety and spiritual safety.

And I'm not saying that one of those is more important than the others, but I would say like your physical safety, if there's something that's really jeopardizing your physical safety and it's going to be hard for you to get out of a situation safely, this is a different scenario than those of us who are in a psychotherapy term, looking to self-actualize, right? Just looking to become our highest and best selves. And for those of us listening to the show, our route to that is through spirituality, is through the feminine path. So that is when fear doesn't serve us. That is when resistance doesn't serve us. And this is where courage comes in. Okay. Consciously rebirthing, absolutely going to bring up some shit, especially when you're in your dying season, especially when you're in your dying season and when you're in your healing and integration season. Then that's not fun. And listening to me right now, you're like, damn it, Rachel. Like, why are you telling me all this stuff? You're such a party pooper. You're bursting my bubble. I get it. That might not be the message that you want to hear. I know we're so used to the spiritual community telling us like, love and light manifest. You're so abundant, which you are so abundant, but also there is a cycle to everything. There's a light half and a dark half, and it doesn't have to be shitty. If you go back on a few episodes on the podcast, I even did that. I did an episode called Shadow Work. Doesn't have to be shitty, right? So even when we are in our dying season, there can be bliss in the dying. There can be pleasure in the dying. And that's a really spiritual place to get to, right? That's a really spiritual place to get to. You might not be there. I'm not always there by any means, right? But we need to think of this, as I said, last episode. It's universal law, the death and decay has to come to make room for the new. And so none of the manifestation or the abundance or the love and light or the bliss or the pleasure or whatever, none of it is possible without doing the hard shit.

It's just not, it's just not possible. When we live a scared life, we live a small life, okay? Everything could feel fine on the surface, right? You could have a nice house. You could have plenty of money. You could have a stable relationship, 2.4 kids, a white picket fence, right? Or whatever your version is of that.

You can have all those things and it can all seem great, but how does it feel in your body? Is it really soul-aligned or is it aligned with your conditioning? Is it really soul-aligned or is it aligned with your conditioning? Okay, because a soul-aligned life is going to take courage. Point blank, full stop, period.

A soul-aligned life is going to take courage. And again, I know that's not the easy route. The easy route would be to just go live the conditioned life. That would be the easy route. But I know you, because you're listening to the show and you're hanging out with me, even though you're like, dreading it a little bit. You don't want the easy life. You don't want that. You want the raw, the real, the honest, the blissful, the soulful, the blown wide open, the sacred, the cycle-breaking, the lineage-mending, the ancestor-honoring life. I know that's what you want. I know that's what you want.

But in order to experience that, you're going to have to consciously claim it. You're going to have to lean in. You're going to have to raise your hand and say yes, I'm willing to do it. I'm willing to do it. And you're going to have to let things die so that new things can be reborn. And you're going to have to do this over and over again.

And I know I'm like, I hear myself and I'm like, no one's going to want to listen to this. No one's going to want to hear this message. They all want to hear how fun it's going to be and how easy it is, right? That's not, it's not real life. And it's not real spirituality. It's not real sacredness. I'm just thinking, I'm like, I just got the message of that's why we say holy shit, right? We say, holy shit, in terms of oh my God, or wow, that's crazy. But what if we took a look at that phrase, holy shit, and we actually looked at what it means. Reverence for the hard, awe for the dark, right? There's a little channeled message for you right there.

So the question becomes, how do we cultivate this bravery? I will say you have everything you need inside of you. And sometimes that kind of feels like a patriarchal message, so I want to reclaim it really quickly and I want to let you know that every flavor of masculine energy and every flavor of feminine energy is in you.

You can call on dark goddess and you can burn shit to the ground if you want to. You can also call on great mother and you can love, you can unconditionally love things. If you want to, okay, so you have everything you need inside of you and want to say, and there are tools and supports that you can seek out when we're living a feminine life or a sacred life. And we're walking the feminine path.

One of the things that we have to remember and that we're so conditioned away from is that the feminine is communal. We're told that we have to go and live this linear life and we have to do it on our own. And we have to step on anybody who gets in our way so that we end up the ones on top. And that is the exact opposite of the feminine rebirth. Doesn't have to be a solo sport. Okay. Rebirth does not have to be a solo sport and bravery does not have to happen in isolation. That is patriarchal bullshit. Okay.

What you can do is come together, cultivate the bravery with sisterhood. Okay. When you share your rebirth with your sisters, there is a place for vulnerability because you were held. You are witnessed, right? And you can share what you're scared of and why. "I'm scared to leave my job, even though I know it's the right thing. I'm scared because da. I have bills to pay, what if I can't find another one, what if my salary goes down, whatever," right? Sharing what you're scared of and why. "I'm scared to close this program inside my business because it's what I'm known for. But it doesn't serve me anymore, and I'm terrified of that because it's how I pay my bills, it's how I have my claim to fame on Instagram, it's how I'm known, it's my identity, it's my worth fellow entrepreneurs? I see you."

So when you do this in sisterhood, there's a place for that. There's a place for that and it's a place to be witnessed. Also, get to see how normal this is. Again, I bring in some psychotherapy topics once in a while, but we get to normalize this. When we are afraid, we often feel alone. But when we're with another group of sisters who are also on the rebirth path and they get to see, "Oh my gosh. Everybody's going through some version of this. I'm not alone. This is a normal human and soul experience." You get to go through the hard parts together and you get to celebrate the amazing parts together, right? Just there's a dark half of rebirth and a light half of rebirth. There is a place, a circle that holds the dark and there's a place that honors the light, okay?

So this is what I would say. If you are feeling like you need some bravery and you need some courage, get together in sisterhood, okay? If you love the sound of this, but you don't feel like you have women in your life to go through this with, come to initiation, okay? I am holding this container. I will be witnessing you. All the other women who are registered will be witnessing you. There will be a space for that. And even if you have a good group of girlfriends, but you want to do this with guidance, all of you register for initiation. It's free, right? Come together as a group. Bring your women's circle, bring your sister circle to initiation and let's all do it together.

Okay? I am holding this space for you and we will be meeting again November 7th, November 8th, and November 9th. This is where we will reclaim rebirth as your most magical rite of passage. Okay? You will have the catalyst, the initiation to start your next highest, best version of yourself. Okay. We're going to work on recognizing your power, fully embodying your spiritual path. We're going to remove the barriers that are keeping you from devoting your soul and yourself to your sacredness. And we're going to remember the coded framework that lives in your ancestral memory and unlock your true feminine magic. So you can sign up totally free. Join me in sisterhood, join me and consciously and bravely rebirth, and you can save your spot at rootedfeminine.com/initiation, right? And I will see you next time in temple space.


Episode 25 - Crystal Healing Journeys with Damla Aktekin


Episode 23 - You're Always in a Rebirth Cycle